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Ryan Abramson


The Shocking True Story About Ryan Abramson

Writer: Ryan AbramsonRyan Abramson

The shocking truth behind Ryan Abramson

You clicked, didn’t you? The headline was too enticing to ignore. You saw "shocking," "true story," and "Ryan Abramson," and curiosity got the best of you. But here’s the twist—there’s nothing shocking here at all. Instead, this article is proof that outrageous headlines shape how we engage with content, even when the substance isn’t nearly as dramatic as we expect. Sometimes people just tell a lie...get lots of attention...and, then it all turns out to be nothing. Crazy, right!?!

What Really Happened to Ryan Abramson?

To be honest, there is absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Ryan Abramson, the founder of Oakridge Leaders, is continuing his work in communications strategy. Still helping seniors write college essays. Still working with professionals needing some speaking advice. But if you came here expecting scandal, mystery, or some jaw-dropping revelation, you’ve just fallen victim to one of the most powerful psychological triggers in media—the irresistible pull of a clickbait headline. Newspapers, blogs and salespeople do it all the time. Why? Because it works. You're here aren't you !

Ryan Abramson: The Truth Comes Out

The truth? People are obsessed with sensationalism. Headlines drive behavior. That’s why you’re here, reading about Ryan Abramson, expecting some life-altering revelation when, in reality, this is simply an article about how clickbait manipulates human curiosity.

Every day, we encounter countless headlines designed to spark outrage, suspense, or intrigue. "You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!" "The Dark Secret Behind…" "This One Trick Will Change Everything!"

It’s no accident that these phrases dominate the internet. They work. They get clicks. They generate engagement. And, most of the time, they lead to content that’s far less dramatic than promised.

Ryan Abramson: Follow the Money

Advertising in the digital space is all about making money by selling impressions, clicks, video views or calls to action. So if you are a local newspaper or a lawyer desperate for people to see your sleezy advertisement, they don't care about the truth, they just need you to click on their page. This is how it works:

A local newspaper salesperson goes to a customer and says: I promise that your ad will get 100,000 impressions and 5000 clicks on your ad. The average engagement rate is actually less than 5%, so this would be a really successful campaign. But to hit those numbers, the reporters can't rely on the real news to deliver. Suddenly a lost dog is a "malnourished puppy finds help from local neighborhood kids." A big basketball win is "the first time the team won in Random Arena in Five Years" (forgetting to mention it is also the only the second time they've ever played there and won both times).

It all works because media headlines prioritize clicks...keeping people on sites and seeing very expensive ads over and over. It is all about hitting impression numbers and getting clicks. Gone are the days of print ads making the budget work, now it's all about the clicks.

The same is true for what you see in a search engine. The priority is not about the truth, it is about what is most likely to deliver a click and a subsequent ad that might drive you to purchase something. Sponsored results are not the best results, they just paid to get on the first page.

What Everyone Wants to Know About Ryan Abramson

People want to know what’s behind a compelling headline. It’s human nature. And digital media thrives on this behavior. Google search results are dominated by articles promising mind-blowing revelations, only to deliver mundane information packaged in an engaging way.

In reality, Ryan Abramson is not the center of a shocking controversy. He’s now a marketing consultant focused on honest communication. His work with Oakridge Leaders, his social media pages and experience reviews is all about authenticity, not deception. But if this article had been titled "Ryan Abramson Launches New Local News Platform," would you have clicked as fast? Probably not.

The Power of Clickbait: Why You’re Here Right Now

The way people engage with online content is driven by psychological triggers. The most powerful among them include:

  • Curiosity Gap: Creating a void of information that people feel compelled to fill.

  • Emotional Triggers: Making content feel urgent, shocking, or dramatic.

  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Suggesting that readers must click now or miss something important.

  • Listicles and How-To Promises: "5 Ways to Fix…" or "The Secret to…" appeal to our need for quick solutions.

If this article had simply provided straightforward information about Ryan Abramson’s projects, you might have scrolled past it. But by crafting an attention-grabbing headline, it became impossible to ignore.

Final Takeaway: Stop Falling for Clickbait

This article wasn’t about a shocking revelation—it was about you, your behavior, and how digital content influences what you click on. Ryan Abramson isn’t a mystery, and his story isn’t shocking. But the fact that you’re still reading proves an important point: sensationalized headlines hold immense power over human psychology.

Next time you see an eye-catching title, ask yourself—are you clicking because you really need to know, or just because you’ve been baited? The internet is filled with "shocking truths" that turn out to be nothing more than well-crafted distractions.

And with that, you now know the shocking true story about Ryan Abramson—there isn’t one. But you clicked anyway. And that’s exactly the point.

Sometimes the headline that seems so untrue...really is untrue.


Always remember, no one will ever go back and repair the false impression left by a headline. They are already onto the next clickbait story .... hitting the numbers and making money. Usually though, the truth is very obvious when you block the bright lights and see past the crazy.

If you wanna see the truth and Ryan Abramson, though, follow my socials. Enjoy!

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